15" x 18 1/2"
Nothing is more earthy and childlike than catching butterflies on a fine summer day! Put down the iPhone, get outside and enjoy the day.
14" x 16"
Striving for excellence in their everyday work was a hallmark of our ancestors. The well run Country Home was generally a beehive of activity, taking what the land provided and using it to artfully craft what was needed to live a good life, a life of self reliance and independence. Perhaps we still have some lessons to learn from our forefathers.
13" x 18"
High spirited boys, old bicycles, and a steep curvy road with chickens at the bottom, you just know there is going to be trouble at Crack-Up Corner.
14" x 20"
Fox and Geese is a pleasant and cheery old time quilt pattern. However, in the animal kingdom, incompatible personalities are certain to make the feathers fly.